Sunday, July 24, 2011

CHAPTER 2, and the last chapter. I'll try to think of another long story in the time to come. :]

Three Days Later.

I sat on the couch in my pajamas, watching two rich women claw each other's hair out on the Real Housewives of New Jersey while simultaneously trying to make my stomach stop churning. Tonight was the night I was going to tell Chase that I had enough of his bullshit and I was absolutely terrified at what he was going to do.

Ten o'clock came and Chris was right on time to fill his role as my bodyguard. He parked around the corner so Chase wouldn't see his car. When I opened the door to let him in he was right outside my door signing some autographs for some lucky fans. He smiled, was incredibly friendly and took a picture with the young women, then said goodbye and walked up the stairs into my living room. "Hey," I said. "so listen, here's the game plan."

Before I could finish Chris turned me around and pulled my lips to his. It was three nights ago that we made love in his car and to be honest, I was dying for him to kiss me again. The feeling of his lips on mine, his stubbly chin pressed against my face, the smell of his aftershave filling my nostrils. "I missed you." He said when he pulled away.

"God I missed you too." I said, softly stroking his neck with my thumbs. "I'm eh, I'm so scared for tonight."

"Don't be. I'll be right here." He immediately replied. His tone was so calm, I couldn't help but feel more at ease.

We sat on the couch while the rich women of Real Housewives had silly over-the-top parties and gossiped about each other, but we weren't really paying attention to what was on TV. I couldn't keep my lips off his. Chris was the only person I'd truly cared about and now that he knew how I felt, I didn't want to be more than two feet away from him. His lips were addictive, and when he was kissing me, holding me, stroking my neck I couldn't give a shit about Chase or what he would do.

It was around eleven thirty when I finally heard Chase's car pull up. Chris was on top of me, kissing my neck with one hand on my hip, the other up my shirt and under my bra. My fingernails in his back as I tried my best not to moan in sheer pleasure. Then I heard the loud engine of Chase's Porsche. "That's him." I said, and we pulled away from each other. "Holy shit that's him."

"Okay, just remember the plan." Chris said. "Stay calm and just remember that I'll never let him hurt you."

I nodded and Chris snuck into the kitchen to follow through with our plan, which was for Chris to hide the entire time unless I needed help dealing with him. He'd probably be drunk as hell so I knew he'd try something. I stood at front door and waited for Chase to stop fumbling with his keys and come inside. My bags were packed, sitting next to the door. I was ready physically, but not mentally.

The door finally flew open and Chase flew in, falling face first on the floor. I tried as best I could not to laugh at the site. "Hey baby." He said, looking up at me. "Boy, this city can party!"

I folded my arms and waited for him to situate himself. He stood up and stepped a few feet closer to me, and I was hit with the overpowering smell of alcohol and perfume. Chase leaned in and kissed my lips, trying to slip his tongue into my mouth but I pulled away. "We need to talk. And why do you smell like perfume?"

He looked at me with his bloodshot hazel eyes, barely able to stand. "Oh, that's my aftershave babe. Now, come here."

"That's not aftershave, Chase." I said, raising my voice a little. "Look, you have lipstick on your face."

For a minute I thought I saw a flash of anger cross his face, but it faded. "Beautiful," he said, grabbing my arm and yanking me towards him, almost knocking me off my feet. "I'm a man. I have needs. You're on the road all the time and, wearing pretty unflattering sweaters, sometimes you can't fill all my needs."

Before he could finish his misogynistic speech I slapped him across the face. Hard. So hard, he stumbled to the left and almost fell to the ground. "I'm leaving you, Chase. I've had enough of this."

As good as slapping him across the face felt, it probably wasn't the right thing to do. "Whose shoes are these?" Chase asked, pointing to Chris's white Adidas on the floor.

Shit. Shit shit shit. His fucking shoes. When I slapped him, he stumbled so far away that his eyes fell right on top of them. Also, he seemed to not hear a word I said about leaving him. My mouth opened and closed as I just stared at the shoes, not sure what to say.

"Whose shoes are these, Sophie?" Chase says, and scans the living room. "And why are there two glasses of wine on the coffee table? Is someone here?"

"Chase, you're missing the point," was all I could think of saying.

Before I could finish I noticed Chase had stopped looking into my eyes and was now looking at something behind me. It was Chris. He had emerged from his hiding place looking as proud and strong and gorgeous as ever. "They're my shoes, Chase." Chris said. "Soph asked me to be here in case you tried to hit her again."

"Hit!" Chase laughed, stepping a little closer to Chris which made me nervous. "I might've pushed her around a little but she misbehaved. I never like, hit her! And you're not here for that, you're here to sleep with my woman."

"Chase," I said, stepping in between the two, gently putting my hands on Chase's chest. "stop."

He looked down at me and I could see the rage growing. He was giving me the same face he gave that night he threw me into the wall. This was going bad. Chase shoved me off of him so hard that I felt myself back into Chris. Chris of course, being there to catch me. "You fucking bitch." Chase said. "You get mad at me for having a couple ladies but you're fucking this fag behind my back?"

Now, I started to get angry. I walked straight at Chase and pulled his phone out of his front pocket. "Veronica, Jessica, Sara, Katie," I said going through his contacts. "Emily, Melissa, Gia and Teresa is NOT a few women you fucking moron. And if you really want to know, yes! YES! I did screw Chris behind your back, three days ago! And it was ten times better than you've ever been!"

What happened next must've happened in just a few seconds, but it felt like hours. Chase's eyes were on fire as he threw himself at me, winding up his fist to throw in my face. I thought he was going to hit me, and I thought he was going to hit me hard. So hard, I hoped Chris knew the best route to the nearest hospital.

But he didn't hit me. In fact, he was the one who took the hit.

Right before Chase could throw his fist in my face, Chris threw his fist in Chase's face. It was one of the loudest noises I ever heard, and threw Chase back and threw him to the floor. Chase put both hands on his face as blood began to trickle out from between his fingers. Chris turned around and stared straight into my eyes, a look of concern on his face. "You okay?"

I nodded, just smiling at the man who most likely just saved my life.

Chris grabbed my bags for me as we walked hand in hand out the door and to Chris's car. I don't think I took my eyes off of Chris the entire time. It was the most amazing feeling of passion I ever had for one person. It was right then that I knew I was in love with him. Chris threw my bags in the back of his Range Rover as I climbed into the passenger seat, immediately inhaling since the entire car smelled like him.

We drove back to Chris's house in complete silence, but both knowing what the other was thinking. Halfway to his house, I looked over at him and noticed a little smirk on his face. His right hand, the one that went into Chase's face, was completely black and blue but you couldn't tell at all from how happy he looked. And I couldn't help but lean over and wrap my arms around his strong chest, leaning my head on his shoulder. He immediately wrapped his left arm around me and kissed my head, driving the rest of the with just his right hand.

When we got to Chris's, I threw my bags in the bedroom where I knew they'd stay for a very long time.

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