Friday, March 26, 2010


Day: 1 Location: Somewhere over the Atlantic, close to Philadelphia Mood: SUPER relaxed.

This whole day has been a blur. Natalie, I want to thank you for the billionth time for buying me this flight for my early birthday present. This is perfect, and it's going to be a perfect week.
All I've been doing all day has been staring at pictures of London. Streets I'll be near, things I'll be visiting, places I'll be eating. You have no idea how unbelievably excited I am.
"Can I get you anything?" The flight attendent asks... again.
"No, I'm fine." I say.. again.
That gets annoying.
So I get to the airport, fly through customs and hang out for a while, waiting to board. I was talking to this young Indian guy before my flight. He said he's going over to London for school. I'm going to visit and get drunk with my best friend. Who's the better person? I'll let you decide.
Said Indian kid is now sitting like, 10 rows up from me. We're flying through a little bit of rain, the rain Philly's been getting for the past day. Yuck.
There's a couple sitting in the row in front of me. Newlyweds, I'm guessing. They're fighting like they don't want to have their first fight... smiles, nice voice tones, the whole sha-bang. It's actually getting quite annoying.
I have a window seat, thank god. The view of the Atlantic is unbelievable! I could've sworn I saw a whale but Bradley thinks I'm nuts.
Now, we need to get to Bradley. In my mind, I'm calling just calling him gorgeous. I hope I don't get the two mixed up.
So I'm sitting in my seat before the flight takes off, PRAYING some obese smelly guy does not sit down next to me and start flirting with me or something. Well, someone upstairs must like me. Down the aisle comes this beautiful creature on two legs and begins to put his bag above my seat. I'm praying even more that this is my lucky day, and what do you know? He sits down next to me. "Not afriad of flying, are you?" I say.
He looks over at me with beautiful blue eyes, smiles (a little confused). "No. You?"
"No." Is all I say back. "I'm just making sure you won't throw up on me or anything."
"Don't worry about that." he chuckles. "I'm Bradley."
I introduce myself, and we begin talking. Apparently he's going to London for his sister's wedding. I told him about my sister's wedding in France as we took off. It was nice to have someone to talk to.
As I am writing this, Mr. Gorgeous is currently sitting next to me typing away on his laptop. I was going to ask him if he knew how much a drink would be, but he seemed pretty busy. I peeked over at his monitor and he's playing Tetris.
The sun is just about to set behind us and the view is fading. Luckily, I have a nice view sitting next to me.

(Oh, and if I could compare him to any celebirty... he looks like Bradley Cooper (the guy from the Hangover). Oh my god.)

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