Monday, March 29, 2010


Day: 4 Location: Parlaiment Hill

I'm currently sitting on the same bench Guy was sitting on in the South Bank Show, on the same path Chris did his little Irish kick, forgetting that quote. It's an ubelievably beautiful view from here, and I picked a great time to come up here. The sun has finally come out for the first time since I've been here, and it's a pretty gorgeous day, maybe 55 degrees F. It's supposed to rain again later, so I'm soaking up this moment.

Last night's bakery charity was a great success! Ugh, it was so much fun. I finally got to see Natalie's aunt's bakery which is adorable. So many people came in and bought so many cookies, we raised over $3000 for Haitian and Chilean relief.

I kept getting heckled for my Manchester United jersey, since we were in Chelsea. Whatever. Everyone was joking around. :]

Went to the Bakery again pretty early this morning, and I think we went too early. There wasn't nearly as much activity as there usually is. Right now we're having a little picnic on top of Parlaiment with a few gourmet pizzas. Everyone's out right now, trying to enjoy the little bit of sun we're getting.

It's about 12:30 here now, so after we eat lunch we're going to Jonny's old apartment. Couldn't do it yesterday since we were so unbelievably busy. Then after that, we'll eat dinner at the Dublin Castle. Natalie's birthday is in May and I won't see her again until July, so when we're at the DC we're going to surprise her with gifts. :) Fun stuff.

Loving it in London, and not wanting to leave.

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