Saturday, March 27, 2010


Day: 2 Location: Natalie's House Mood: FREAKED!

So I'll go back to everything else that happened right after I tell you what happened to me this morning. So I just decided to walk by Chris's house, for two reasons. One: Natalie told me he lives like a block and a half away from her, and two: I decided that if I did see him, either driving or walking, I wouldn't bother him. I understand the man's constantly being horded with cameras and the last thing he wants is someone to bother him at his own house.
So I take a walk down the gorgeous streets of London, examining everything I see. It's a gorgeous city, really. I haven't found one bad street or bad looking place, everyone is so welcoming, and honestly the food is wonderful. I didn't think the food would be wonderful, but honestly, it is.
I get to Chris's street and freeze. There's his house. Quite a beautiful house to be honest, reminds me of Chris. It has really big, super thick, maybe 5 and 1/2 foot walls surrounding it to keep the paps (and fangirls like myself) out. And a super elegant, gorgeous black gate in the front.
The gate was open.
The Range Rover is sitting out front, I can hear the radio's, on, the keys are in the ignition. The driver's side door is wide open.
"Please don't let it be Gwyneth," I begin to think. "PLEASE don't let it be Gwyneth!"
I walk a little closer to examine the scene and try not to look as freaked as I am. People around me are just walking past Chris's car like it's just every day for them. I must've looked absolutely nuts.

And then suddenly, from behind those giant walls, he emerges. I felt like I was going to fall over. He's wearing his striped beanie, dressed in all black and those adorable white sneakers (I happened to be wearing those sneakers at the same time).

The reason why I'm not saying this in all caps is because I'm still in complete shock, by the way.

I remind myself that I won't bother him in any way. I just begin to walk closer.

He jogs around the car to the driver's side, where the door is open. He leans inside, grabs a cell phone and begins to call someone.

At this point, I'm directly on the other side of the street from him, just staring like a crazy person. Thankfully, he doesn't see me.

Chris gets in the car, turns the radio up a little so I can hear U2's "The Unforgettable Fire" playing. He turns on the car, and looks over in my direction. My knees buckled a little. I smiled, nodded, and attempted to act like a normal, non crazy person.


He puts on his turn signal, pulls out of the spot and drives away.

Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming.



  2. It's no lie. :) It happened to be the single most amazing moment ever.
