Sunday, March 28, 2010


Day: 3 Location: Natalie's roof, since it thankfully stopped raining for the moment. Mood: Happy!

It's amazing how my best friend in the entire world lives blocks, well maybe a 20 minute ride away from all these celebirties and is completely cool with it. Chris Martin lives near her, Liam Gallagher lives about a block away from Chris, and apparently Quentin Tarantino has a winter home in Chelsea, near her aunt's house.

How does she do it?

I love it here. After I wrote my last blog, we went to Abbey Road. I didn't realize how emotional I'd get seeing everything Beatles. I had tears in my eyes, looking at Abbey road, walking around the studio. It was so magical, knowing all this unbelievable music that I grew up with came out of that very studio. Gotta love the Beatles.

And yes, I walked across Abbey Road like an idiot as Natalie took a picture of me from the other side. I'm snorting with laughter, so it's not very flattering. Some tourist from Belgium walked over it in stilts. There was a news camera there while he was doing it. Apparently he's the first, which is so shocking. Not really.

We talked to him for a while. His name was Raf, and he was visiting for his spring break from University just like me. He wanted to make a statement when he walked across the famous road of his favorite band in the world. I guess he did, didn't he?

We might be on British news if they show the story, so look for the girl in the black turtleneck. That's me. :)

Anyways, after we left Abbey Road we walked around Westminister Abbey, down to the Thames. Such a bleak, dreary day but it didn't dampen my spirit a bit. Apparently some people get depressed and down when they visit London because of the dreary weather. I honestly don't understand why, since it's such a great city with so much to do, you barely notice the weather.

After our walk down the Thames (where we saw lots of places where they filmed the new Sherlock Holmes movie) we went to the Sherlock Holmes museum, 221 Baker Street.

So, that was like, my wet dream, being such a big SH fan. There was everything there from all the old movies. LOVED it.

After that, we went shopping. Bought lots of new clothes. Spent $140. Ouch. Well, I haven't been clothes shopping in a while so I guess it's alright.

Got myself a Manchester United jersey, FINALLY! I'm really happy about it.

It was the cheapest one, at $80. Oh well. Worth it.

I'm going to the United game on Sunday vs. Chelsea, so I need to dress the part.

We're heading off to eat dinner now, we just wanted to change into some more comfortable shoes. After all that walking today, heels don't really work.

Natalie, the girls and I all bought matching yellow rain boots. Perfect.

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