Sunday, March 28, 2010


Day: 3 Location: Natalie's. Mood: Hung over.

So it's about 1:00 here, and I haven't gotten a good sleep since I've been here. Went out drinking last night, got about an hour's sleep. But I'm not tired, that's the thing!
I love this city so much. It's gorgeous, the people are so welcoming. Seriously, if I could find a job here after I graduate, I'd take it.
Funny story about the Bakery this morning!
We we were just loitiering again, waiting for any kind of sign of activity. Saw Vicky drive in! We waved at her while she was in her car. She looked a little confused/scared, but she waved back. :) That was awesome.
So a few minutes before we were going to leave a delicatessen delivery car pulls up. Some teenage kid gets out, grabs like three giant bags of food out of the back and starts walking down the alley, toward's the Bakery.
"Are you delivering?" I say to the kid.
He looks back at me, incredibly confused. "Yeah?"
"To that place? I point to the Bakery. "Right there?"
He begins to walk down the alley again. "That's the only place I know that's down here."
I ignore his attitude and fight. "Can I come with you?"
"What?" The kid's now chuckling, along with my friends.
I walk a little closer to him and point to the Bakery's windows. "Do you know what band uses that studio?"
The kid looks at the building and shakes his head.
"Coldplay. " I say. "Coldplay could possibly be in there right now, recording their new album.
"So?" the kid replies.
I step back and roll my eyes. "Fine. Go be greeted by Phil. Go meet Coldplay and not care."
So we watch the kid as he walks down the alley, and knocks on the front door of the Bakery.
Vicky answered the door, so we screamed her name and waved at her a second time. She waved back, laughing. "Hi girls!" she yelled. "Some devoted fans, aren't you?"
"Can the boys come out and say hello?" Natalie yells back.
She laughs, shrugs her shoulders and waves goodbye. We wave back, the kid still looking confused the entire time.

"Was that girl in Coldplay?" the kid asks on the way back.

"You shouldn't be allowed to be British if you don't know what Coldplay looks like." I say back, and we leave. :P

We found this music shop down the road from the Bakery that could've possibly been the same one the guys bought all their VIVA instruments in! It had an incredibly diverse collection of instruments. Bought a bass there as a souvenir. :)

We're just going to eat lunch now, then going to Abbey Road afterwards, then some clothes shopping.

Oh, London, I love you.

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